You may have noticed our new Blue Ridge logo on our web page or in social media. We’ve put a lot of thought into this change and wanted to give you a little behind-the-scenes look at how we arrived at this new look.

And as we come up to our 25th anniversary as a church in 2016 — a church that began before Facebook or Twitter or even the Internet as we know it — we realized it was time to do a little refresh. We want to be missional in new ways. It’s time to reach out in new ways. This logo is just one more way we can do that.
In the past several months, we’ve been thinking and praying through a way to quickly and easily represent our church, especially in online communications and social media.
We’ve arrived at a friendly logo that we hope will resonate with others and simply convey the idea that we are people who move closer to God, in community.
When we began to consider how to represent Blue Ridge, we looked at lots of options. We began literally with icons of mountains. But that’s not what makes Blue Ridge distinctive. We wanted something that visually communicated about our identity. What’s important to us? The Gospel. Our mission. Our people. Our relationships. We do ministry face to face. Life to life. That’s why we have the two letters turned in. Face to face.
We pray this new tool will help to further our online communications, make connections and invite everyone who visits to move closer to God.