I have good intentions. Really, I do.
Recently, I announced to my children that we should plan to do something kind for someone else each day of Christmas week. Maybe bake some brownies and take them to the fire department or visit a nursing home.
“Kids, what do you want to do?”
Finally, my daughter, sensing my desperation, rallied. “Why don’t we make brownies for the fire department?”
“That’s what I just said, honey. What do you want to do?”
My son finally offered, “Maybe I could hold the door for a little mate.”
“You mean hold the door for a little kid?”
“Yes,” he said giggling.
“Don’t you think we should do that every day?”
And, thus, the conversation went around and around. It wasn’t that serving others was a bad idea. But I think even my kids sensed something contrived, something wrong in just making up kindness out of our own goodness. Something actually a little impossible.
Eventually we turned to something more important — to Jesus and how we can allow Him to shine light and love through us this Christmas. When the conversation turns to Jesus, everything changes.
That’s really what Blue Ridge’s Christmas Conversations is about. It’s a little guide for you and your family to make space and time to share together about Christmas and what’s true about it: Jesus. The Gospel. Our Hope.

Isn’t it remarkable that we can go through days and weeks of a season dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ and not really talk about Him or what He’s done in our lives?
Trade your good intentions for great expectations of what Jesus can do in your heart and the hearts of those you love this year.
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