Missions Trips

ยท For Everyone

Blue Ridge believes that cross-cultural missions give the church a unique opportunity to take people out of their comfort zone and allow God to speak into discomfort. Scripture comes alive in new ways when people experience God outside of their comfort zones.

Our purpose is not to propagate culturally American Christianity, but biblical advancement of the Gospel. Therefore, we respect and enjoy cultural difference of expression while encouraging and maintaining fundamental doctrine.

We are dedicated to disciple-making and multiplication both in our church and in our partnerships. Missions is a vital part of making disciples who make disciples.

2025 Trips

February 27-March 8

  • Nepal (Closed)


  • Ukraine (Invitation Only)

July 16-24

  • Guatemala 


  • Ukraine  


  • South Asia  

November 6-15

  • Sierra Leone 

If you would like to receive information about trips, please email cgeorge@blueridge.org and let us know which trip(s) interest you. If you know which trip you would like to attend, please fill out an application now.